About the conference

The Swedish Production Symposium (SPS) is arranged for the 11th time, and we have the honor to welcome you to University West in Trollhättan, beautifully located near the Göta River north of Gothenburg, Sweden. Trollhättan has a rich history of industry and innovation and is today home to many large, medium and small manufacturing companies. 

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After SPS2022, organized by the University of Skövde, this will be the third time that SPS is jointly organized with the Product Development Academy (PDA) in Sweden.

Swedish Production Symposium (SPS) is a bi-yearly conference primarily organized by the Swedish Production Academy (SPA). 

Submission Guidelines

The overall theme of the conference is Sustainable Production through Advanced Manufacturing, Intelligent Automation and Work Integrated Learning. The topics are:

  • Sustainable manufacturing
  • Smart production and automation
  • Digitalization for efficient product realization
  • Circular production
  • Industrial transformation for sustainability
  • Integration of education and research

More about the topics and subtopics!

We invite authors to submit original scientific work or descriptions of industrial applications. Read the Submission Guidelines!


Scientific committee

Members from the Swedish Production Academy (SPA) and Product Development Academy - Sweden (PDA), as well as additional reviewers of papers submitted to SPS2024.


Alexander Kaplan, Luleå University of Technology (SPA)

Amos Ng, University of Skövde (SPA)

Anders Jarfors, Jönköping University (SPA)

Anders Skoogh, Chalmers University of Technology

Andreas Archenti, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SPA)

Anna Syberfeldt, University of Skövde (SPA)

Bengt Lindberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SPA)

Bengt-Göran Rosén, Halmstad University (SPA)

Dan Högberg, University of Skövde (SPA and PDA)

Fabian Hanning, University West

Fredrik Danielsson, University West

Glenn Johansson, Lund University (SPA and PDA)

Gunnar Bolmsjö, Linnaeus University (SPA)

Jan-Eric Ståhl, Lund University (SPA)

Jessica Bruch, Mälardalen University (SPA)

Jinming Zhou, Lund University (SPA)

Joel Andersson, University West (SPA)

Kerstin Johansen, Jönköping University (SPA)

Kristina Säfsten, Jönköping University (SPA)

Lena Abrahamsson, Luleå University of Technology (SPA)

Lennart Malmsköld, University West

Leo De Vin, Karlstad University (SPA)

Lihui Wang, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SPA)

Luis Ribeiro, Linköping University (SPA)

Magnus Wiktorsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SPA)

Mats Björkman, Linköping University (SPA)

Mattias Bennulf, University West

Monica Bellgran, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SPA)

Morgan Nilsen, University  West

Pavel Krakhmalev, Karlstad University (SPA)

Peter Thorvald, University of Skövde

Shrikant Joshi, University West

Thomas Beno, University West (SPA)

Tomohiko Sakao, Linköping University (SPA)

Organizing committee

Joel Andersson (Chair)

Shrikant Joshi (Co-chair)

Fabian Hanning (Co-chair)

Lennart Malmsköld (Co-chair)

Christina Axelson (Web, media and communication)

Rebecka Haak (Event organizer)

Signe Stahlenius (Event organizer)

Eva Bränneby (Secretary)

University West, Sweden

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Contact us

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at sps2024@hv.se